Publications on Contact / Indentation

  1. R. C. Batra, Rubber Covered Rolls, The Nonlinear Elastic ProblemJ. Appl. Mech.47, 82-86, 1980.
  2. R. C. Batra, Quasistatic Indentation of a Rubber Covered Roll by a Rigid RollInt. J. Num. Meth.  Engr.17, 1823-1834, 1981.
  3. R. C. Batra, M. Levinson and E. Betz, Rubber Covered Rolls, The Thermoviscoelastic Problem, A Finite Element SolutionInt. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 10, 767-785, 1976.
  4. C. N. Bapat and R. C. Batra, Indentation of a Viscoelastic Rubber Covered Roll by a Rigid Plane SurfaceMechs. Research Communications9, 265-272, 1982.
  5. C. N. Bapat and R. C. Batra, Finite Plane Strain Deformations of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Rubber Covered RollsInt. J. Num. Meth. Engng., 20, 1911-1927, 1984.
  6. C. N. Bapat and R. C. Batra, Finite Deformations of a Viscoelastic Roll Cover Contacting a Rigid Plane SurfaceCommun. Appl. Numerical Methods1, 169-176, 1985.
  7. W. Jiang and R. C. Batra, Identification of Elastic Constants of FCC Metals from 2D Load-Indentation CurvesComputational Materials Science45, 511-515, 2009.
  8. R. C. Batra and Wen Jiang, Analytical Solution of the Contact Problem of a Rigid Indenter and an Anisotropic Linear Elastic LayerInternational J. of Solids and Structures45, 5814-5830, 2008.
  9. A. A. Spector and R. C. Batra, On Contact Interaction Between a Massive Body and a Linear Elastic Half Space, Cont. Mechs. & Thermodynamics,7, 179-198, 1995.
  10. A. Spector and R. C. Batra, Rolling/Sliding of a Linear Elastic Body on a Deformable Layered SubstrateInt. J. Nonlinear Mechs.29, 335-348, 1994.
  11.  A. A. Spector and R. C. Batra, On the Motion of an Elastic Body Rolling/Sliding on an Elastic SubstrateASME J. Tribology117, 308- 314, 1995.


Dr. Batra's CV

Romesh C. Batra, PhD

University Distinguished Professor, Clifton C. Garvin Professor

Google Scholar Profile

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics (0219)
Norris Hall, Room 333-E, Virginia Tech
495 Old Turner Street
Blacksburg, VA 24061 



Blast Mitigation Team

Research Activities in the Computational Mechanics Lab (poster)


Feature from Virginia Tech Magazine

Summary of Results on Laminated Plates